Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Information Design for Magazines and Atitude for Editors

I found an summarized article that I really like to keep it for myself and share, but unfortunately it's  only in Japanese. This is about how Japanese magazines editors design the information on their magazines.


I love magazines. I pretty much read any kind of magazines if I had it handy, yet of course there are some interesting one and not-so-much one. (I don't just mean that the topics are not my type.) Then where does that difference come from? The answer probably would be the editors.

From editors' point of views, they write articles and constitute those to attract readers interest in order to sell magazines. They publish what readers want to know to increase circulation. Most probably how they pick topics decide their destinies.

 Editors' sense is important also for those who will be on magazines. Magazines are just like catalogs. Whether it's people or products, readers get today's news and fashion from magazines and they consider buying. Although it is said today is the period when magazines aren't selling well, you cannot underestimate the influence. If wrong information get into magazines, it's difficult to avoid negative images.

I was interviewed several times for newspaper, but some put comments under my name that I never said. Nobody would confirm nameless person's comment. Yet since my name (and photos sometimes) is with those comments, people would assume I made those comments. It made me fully realized the difficulty to deliver my true message in the right way.

When I stand the side to report, how to send accurate information sincerely and interestingly; it would be my eternal theme and something I should never forget.






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