Sunday, February 3, 2013

bare - The Musical

My last Saturday night was for... "bare" the musical.
I went to World Stage Theatre with my ticket I got it from Off-Broadway week deal. 
When I saw the stage covered by Instagram photos, it made me feel something new is happening here. I cannot find exact words to explain, but somehow it made me feel the story so real.

You never heard of this musical?
Here's a description from their website
"A contemporary rock musical, BARE follows a group of teens wrestling with issues of identity, sexuality, and religion at a co-ed Catholic boarding school. Provocative, raw, and unyielding in its exploration of how today's generation navigates the tightrope between adolescence and adulthood, BARE examines the consequences of baring a soul-or hiding it from those who matter most."

I first assumed this musical is something like Spring Awakening.
Although bare has  similar theme, teenage sexuality and identity crisis, the show contained a lot more jokes and ironies. Plus I really liked that the contrast of new and old - SNS and Shakespeare. Something has changed; social media is crucial for reputation and now kids are checking it all the time which allow a story to spread right away. Yet something is still the same; young lovers' straightforward and unstoppable feelings.

It wasn't kind of a show that excites me badly, yet it left me something to think. Threw a question on me.
I suggest you to go see the show, especially it would be hard to find the next chance if you miss it.
If you are still not sure, check out their website for videos and free music download.  

And the theatre, New World Stages is awesome venue.
They have full bar that open before and after the show. You can go early and enjoy a pre-show drink, or stayed later to talk about what you just saw.
On the day I was there, the bar put up a sign that says "Free comedy show! Stay here it's warm!"
It was very very good idea, especially New York city was snowing that night... 

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